BSCI 462: Population Ecology- Fundamental concepts in plant and animal systems

Spring 2014


How to Prepare for Discussion Sections

Grading scheme and outline for Final Presentations

Grading scheme and outline for Final Papers

Matrix Pop Program

Matrix Pop Bio Reading

Matrix Pop Bio Problem Set

Matrix Pop Bio Answer Key

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4

Lecture 5

Lecture 6

Lecture 7

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 10

Lecture 11

Lecture 12

Disc 1a

Disc 1b

Disc 1c

Disc 1d

Disc 1e

Disc 2a

Disc 2b

Disc 2c

Disc 2d

Disc 2e 

Disc 3a

Disc 3b

Disc 3c

Disc 3d

Disc 3e

Disc 4a

Disc 4b

Disc 4c

Disc 4d

Disc 4e

Disc 5a

Disc 5b

Disc 5c

Disc 5d

Disc 5e

Disc 6a

Disc 6b

Disc 6c

Disc 6d

Disc 6e

Disc 7a

Disc 7b

Disc 7c

Disc 7d

Disc 7e